CE Credit Information
8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program/MBSR
A benefit of participating in the Mindfulness Stress-Based Reduction Program offered by the Scottsdale Institute for Health and Medicine is that you may qualify for CE credit. Check with your organization for acceptance of continuing education credits for MBSR and see below for current approvals. See below for the professions these CE's are approved for. To receive credit, mention that you’d like to receive CE's when you register for the program. CONTINUING EDUCATION ACCREDITATION Needs Assessment: With the emphasis on preventive medicine and the research which indicates that stress has a significant impact on many issues, healthcare professionals are looking for ways to help themselves and their patients reduce stress levels and modify behaviors, thereby increasing their own, as well as their patients, chances of successfully reducing stress. Target Audience: Healthcare providers and other Professions Reviewer: Please see Paul Sugar Director, The Scottsdale Institute for Health and Medicine” on the “About Us” page. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS APPROVED BY:
• CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spiritual Competency Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content. • The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association. • LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFTs, and other mental health professionals from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association. • SCA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California. RNs must retain this document for 4 years after the course concludes. SCA is an approved CE provider for National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coaches (CEP Number 100196) • For questions about enrolling in CE or receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact Paul Sugar paulsugar@cox.net, 602-332-3005. For other questions about CE contact David Lukoff, PhD at CE@spiritualcompetency.com . Scottsdale Institute for Health and Medicine training facilities are handicap accessible. Individuals needing special accommodations, please contact: Paul Sugar paulsugar@cox.net 602-332-3005. It is the participant's responsibility to check with their individual state boards to verify CE requirements for their state. These programs are considered intermediate level. 8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course Live Online Course description: ORIENTATION This introductory session will acquaint clinician with the practice of mindfulness as taught at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Clinician will learn how this secular, scientific, evidence-based practice has become an accepted part of mainstream medicine, and discover how it can positively affect the quality of everyday life. WEEK 1 Here clinician will receive an overview of the course and establish the learning context. Clinician will learn the theory and evidence of mind-body medicine and how to apply it in clinical setting. Clinician will be experientially introduced to mindful eating, mindful breathing, and the body-scan method, with a special emphasis on what it means to be fully engaged in the present moment. WEEK 2 Perception is key in mindfulness—how one see things (or don't see them) will determine in a large part how one responds. This week's session and practices will ask clinician to examine perceptions, assumptions, and the way the world is viewed. Clinician will learn to use the body-scan practice to cultivate a greater degree of awareness of how one reacts to stressful situations. Changing the way one perceive and responds to difficulties and challenges will impact the short- and long-term effects of stress on mind and body. WEEK 3 In this session, clinician will practice several distinct yet interrelated mindfulness practices—mindful hatha yoga, sitting meditation, and walking meditation. This is an ideal time to share clinicians’ insights about experiences with formal practice and integrating mindfulness into daily life. Clinician will discover that there is both pleasure and power in being present—will directly attend to and investigate how experiences create such reactions as pleasure or discomfort in the mind and body. WEEK 4 By practicing mindfulness, one cultivates curiosity and openness to the full range of experience, and through this process the ability to pay attention becomes more flexible. This week, practice will focus on the development of the ability to concentrate and systematically expand the field of awareness. Clinician will learn about the physiological and psychological bases of stress reactivity, and experience mindful strategies for responding in positive, proactive ways to stressful situations. WEEK 5 At the halfway point in this course, clinician should now be familiar with the foundations of mindfulness and able to focus on applying it more rapidly and effectively to specific challenges and stressors in clinical setting. This week clinician will begin to pay attention to the places where one might be stuck in repeating, unhealthy patterns that can disarm one through mindful awareness. Clinician will also learn how to apply mindfulness at the critical moment when one experiences a physical sensation, intense emotion, or condition, with special attention to exploring the effect of reactivity in health and illness. WEEK 6 Resilience or “stress hardiness” is the ability to return to equilibrium after stressful situations. This week, clinician will focus on transformational coping strategies to broaden inner resources and enhance resilience through mindfulness practice. Clinician will also learn the fundamentals of interpersonal mindfulness—applying awareness and presence at times when communication becomes difficult or fraught with strong emotions. Clinician will gain direct experience of a variety of styles for more effective and creative interpersonal communication. ALL‐DAY RETREAT This day-long guided retreat will take place between weeks six and seven. The intensive nature of this six-hour-plus session is intended to assist clinician in firmly and effectively establishing the use of MBSR skills across multiple situations in the clinical setting, while simultaneously preparing to utilize these methods far beyond the conclusion of the program. WEEK 7 Mindfulness is most effective when it is a lifetime commitment. This week, clinician will explore the many ways that one can integrate mindfulness more fully and personally into clinical setting. While having a dedicated regular practice for mindfulness meditation is important and beneficial, it is just as important to bring a broader sense of awareness and presence to every moment in the clinical setting, and to use non-judgmental mindfulness in reflection and decision-making processes. Clinician will learn how to maintain the discipline and flexibility of daily practice as circumstances change over the course of the clinical setting. WEEK 8 In the final week of the program, clinician will have a complete review of everything learned over the course, with an emphasis on carrying the momentum built forward into the coming months and years. Clinician will learn about resources available to pursue mindfulness in new directions as clinical practice evolves, as well as the support systems that exist to help you continue to integrate, learn, and grow in clinical practice. The final lesson creates a satisfying closure by honoring both in the end of program. “Teachings are appropriate for healthcare professionals as well as the general public. Healthcare professionals will be able to incorporate the tools and practices offered in this program in ways beneficial to clients or patients.” THE DETAILS 8 Week MBSR When: 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. AZ time April 9, 2025-June 4, 2025 Where: Everywhere, Planet Earth/ Live Online Cost: $150. $250. $350 .$450. $550. sliding scale. For 30 CE it is $80. per profession Faculty: Paul Sugar Learning Objectives: Although stress is regarded as a causative factor in many chronic illnesses and psychological disorders, it is often not diagnosed and treated. Furthermore, besides palliative measures such as bed-rest and pharmacological interventions, there are very few tools in most clinician's resources to effectively treat or facilitate treatment of stress as a condition. This eight-week program provides effective skills and knowledge to address this deficit in clinical services. Clinicians who participate in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program will be able to:
30 CE Credits. $80. per profession. For questions about enrolling in CE or receiving your Certificate of Attendance, Contact Paul Sugar paulsugar@cox.net 602-332-3005. For other questions about CE contact David Lukoff, PhD at CE@spiritualcompetency.com . |